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import datetime import json import random import uuid import jwt from cryptography.fernet import Fernet from dateutil import tz from envs import env from faunadb.errors import BadRequest, NotFound from valley.exceptions import ValidationException from valley.utils import import_util from werkzeug.utils import cached_property from pfunk.client import q from pfunk.collection import Collection, Enum from pfunk.contrib.auth.resources import LoginUser, UpdatePassword, Public, UserRole, LogoutUser from pfunk.contrib.auth.views import ForgotPasswordChangeView, LoginView, SignUpView, VerifyEmailView, LogoutView, UpdatePasswordView, ForgotPasswordView from import send_email from pfunk.exceptions import LoginFailed, DocNotFound from pfunk.fields import EmailField, SlugField, ManyToManyField, ListField, ReferenceField, StringField, EnumField AccountStatus = Enum(name='AccountStatus', choices=['ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE']) class Key(object): @classmethod def create_keys(cls): c = cls() keys = {} for i in range(10): kid = str(uuid.uuid4()) k = {'signature_key': Fernet.generate_key().decode(), 'payload_key': Fernet.generate_key().decode(), 'kid': kid} keys[kid] = k return keys @classmethod def import_keys(cls): try: keys = import_util(env('KEY_MODULE', 'bad.import')) except ImportError: keys = {} return keys @classmethod def get_keys(cls): keys = cls.import_keys() return list(keys.values()) @classmethod def get_key(cls): return random.choice(cls.get_keys()) @classmethod def create_jwt(cls, secret_claims): key = cls.get_key() pay_f = Fernet(key.get('payload_key')) gmt = tz.gettz('GMT') now = exp = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1) payload = { 'iat': now.timestamp(), 'exp': exp.timestamp(), 'nbf': now.timestamp(), 'iss': env('PROJECT_NAME', 'pfunk'), 'til': pay_f.encrypt(json.dumps(secret_claims).encode()).decode() } return jwt.encode(payload, key.get('signature_key'), algorithm="HS256", headers={'kid': key.get('kid')}), exp @classmethod def decrypt_jwt(cls, encoded): headers = jwt.get_unverified_header(encoded) keys = cls.import_keys() key = keys.get(headers.get('kid')) decoded = jwt.decode(encoded, key.get('signature_key'), algorithms="HS256", verify=True, options={"require": ["iat", "exp", "nbf", 'iss', 'til']}) pay_f = Fernet(key.get('payload_key').encode()) k = pay_f.decrypt(decoded.get('til').encode()) return json.loads(k.decode()) class Group(Collection): """ Group collection that the user belongs to """ name = StringField(required=True) slug = SlugField(unique=True, required=False) users = ManyToManyField( 'pfunk.contrib.auth.collections.User', relation_name='users_groups') def __unicode__(self): return # pragma: no cover def attach_verification_key(doc): if not doc.ref and doc.use_email_verification: doc.attach_verification_key() def send_verification_email(doc): doc.send_verification_email() class BaseUser(Collection): """ Base user that has builtin core functionalities Includes [LoginUser, UpdatePassword, LogoutUser] Roles: [Public] """ # Settings _credential_field = 'password' collection_functions = [LoginUser, UpdatePassword, LogoutUser] collection_roles = [Public, UserRole] non_public_fields = ['groups'] use_email_verification = True # Views collection_views = [LoginView, SignUpView, VerifyEmailView, LogoutView, UpdatePasswordView, ForgotPasswordView, ForgotPasswordChangeView] # Signals pre_create_signals = [attach_verification_key] post_create_signals = [send_verification_email] # Fields username = StringField(required=True, unique=True) first_name = StringField(required=True) last_name = StringField(required=True) email = EmailField(required=True, unique=True) verification_key = StringField(required=False, unique=True) forgot_password_key = StringField(required=False, unique=True) account_status = EnumField(AccountStatus, required=True, default_value="INACTIVE") def __unicode__(self): return self.username # pragma: no cover @classmethod def login(cls, username, password, _token=None): """ Logs the user in to Fauna Returns: token: the token from fauna """ c = cls() try: return c.client(_token=_token).query("login_user", { "username": username, "password": password}) ) except BadRequest: raise LoginFailed( 'The login credentials you entered are incorrect.') @classmethod def logout(cls, _token=None): """ Expires/invalidates the user's login token """ c = cls() return c.client(_token=_token).query("logout_user") ) def permissions(self, _token=None): return [] @classmethod def api_login(cls, username, password, _token=None): token = cls.login(username=username, password=password, _token=_token) user = cls.get_current_user(_token=token) claims = user.to_dict().copy() try: claims.get('data').pop('verification_key') except KeyError: pass claims['token'] = token claims['permissions'] = user.permissions() return Key.create_jwt(claims) @classmethod def get_from_id(cls, _token=None): """ Acquire user from the given Id """ c = cls() ref = c.client(_token=_token).query( q.current_identity() ) return cls(_ref=ref, _lazied=True) def attach_verification_key(self): """ Attaches the verification key to user to enable one-time activate """ self.verification_key = str(uuid.uuid4()) def attach_forgot_verification_key(self): self.forgot_password_key = str(uuid.uuid4()) @classmethod def verify_email(cls, verification_key, verify_type='signup', password=None): """ Activate the user from the verification key Args: verification_key (str, required): verification key in the email to compare the one attached to the user """ if verify_type == 'signup': user = cls.get_by('unique_User_verification_key', [verification_key]) user.verification_key = '' user.account_status = 'ACTIVE' elif verify_type == 'forgot' and password: user = cls.get_by('unique_User_forgot_password_key', [verification_key]) user.forgot_password_key = '' def send_verification_email(self, from_email=None, verification_type='signup'): """ Send the verification email with the hashed key """ project_name = env('PROJECT_NAME', '') if verification_type == 'signup': txt_template = 'auth/verification_email.txt' html_template = 'auth/verification_email.html' verification_key = self.verification_key elif verification_type == 'forgot': txt_template = 'auth/forgot_email.txt' html_template = 'auth/forgot_email.html' verification_key = self.forgot_password_key try: send_email( txt_template=txt_template, html_template=html_template, to_emails=[], from_email=from_email or env('DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL'), subject=f'{project_name} Email Verification', first_name=self.first_name, last_name=self.last_name, verification_key=verification_key ) except Exception as e: import logging logging.error(e) @classmethod def forgot_password(cls, email): """ Sends forgot password email to let user use that link to reset their password """ user = cls.get_by('unique_User_email', email) user.attach_forgot_verification_key() user.send_verification_email(verification_type='forgot') @classmethod def signup(cls, _token=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a user Args: _token (str, required): Auth token that enables creation of user. Usually public roles. **kwargs (dict, required): The user's needed information for creation """ data = kwargs data['account_status'] = 'INACTIVE' try: data.pop('groups') except KeyError: pass cls.create(**data, _token=_token) @classmethod def update_password(cls, current_password, new_password, new_password_confirm, _token=None): """ Updates the user's password. Compares with the user's current password first before changing Args: current_password (str, required): current password of the user new_password (str, required): new password for the user new_password_confirm (str, required): new password confirm _token (str, required): auth token of the user Returns: dict (dict, required): If update is successful ref (str): fauna ref of the object, data (dict): copy of the data of the object, ts (str): timestamp err_msg (str, required): If current_password is wrong, will return `Wrong current password.` """ if new_password != new_password_confirm: raise ValidationException('new_password: Password field and password confirm field do not match.') c = cls() try: return c.client(_token=_token).query("update_password", {'current_password': current_password, 'new_password': new_password}) ) except BadRequest: raise ValidationException('current_password: Password update failed.') @classmethod def get_current_user(cls, _token=None): """ Returns the user's identity Uses fauna's `current_identity()` function Returns: id (str): Fauna ID of the user in `User` collection """ c = cls() return cls.get(c.client(_token=_token).query(q.current_identity()).id()) def __unicode__(self): return self.username # pragma: no cover class UserGroups(Collection): """ Many-to-many collection of the user-group relationship The native fauna-way of holding many-to-many relationship is to only have the ID of the 2 object. Here in pfunk, we leverage the flexibility of the collection to have another field, which is `permissions`, this field holds the capablities of a user, allowing us to add easier permission handling. Instead of manually going to roles and adding individual collections which can be painful in long term. Attributes: collection_name (str): Name of the collection in Fauna userID (str): Fauna ref of user that is tied to the group groupID (str): Fauna ref of a collection that is tied with the user permissions (str[]): List of permissions, `['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']` """ collection_name = 'users_groups' userID = ReferenceField('pfunk.contrib.auth.collections.User') groupID = ReferenceField(Group) permissions = ListField() def __unicode__(self): return f"{self.userID}, {self.groupID}, {self.permissions}" class PermissionGroup(object): """ List of permission that a user/object has Attributes: collection (`pfunk.collection.Collection`, required): Collection to allow permissions permission (list, required): What operations should be allowed `['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']` """ valid_actions: list = ['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write'] def __init__(self, collection: Collection, permissions: list): if not issubclass(collection, Collection): raise ValueError( 'Permission class requires a Collection class as the first argument.') self.collection = collection self._permissions = permissions self.collection_name = self.collection.get_class_name() @cached_property def permissions(self): """ Lists all collections and its given permissions """ return [f'{self.collection_name}-{i}'.lower() for i in self._permissions if i in self.valid_actions] class User(BaseUser): """ User that has permission capabilities. Extension of `BaseUser` """ groups = ManyToManyField(Group, 'users_groups') @classmethod def get_permissions(cls, ref, _token=None): return cls.get(ref, _token).permissions(_token=_token) def get_groups(self, _token=None): """ Returns the groups (collections) that the user is bound with """ return [Group.get(, _token=_token) for i in self.client(_token=_token).query( q.paginate(q.match('users_groups_by_user', self.ref)) ).get('data')] def permissions(self, _token=None): """ Returns the permissions of the user Permissions will be acquired from the field `permissions` in `UserGroup` class Args: _token (str, required): Fauna auth token Returns: perm_list (str[]): Permissions of the user in list: `['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']` """ perm_list = [] for i in self.get_groups(_token=_token): ug = UserGroups.get_index('users_groups_by_group_and_user', [ i.ref, self.ref], _token=_token) for user_group in ug: p = [] if isinstance(user_group.permissions, list): p = [ f'{user_group.groupID.slug}-{i}' for i in user_group.permissions] perm_list.extend(p) return perm_list def add_permissions(self, group, permissions: list, _token=None): """ Adds permission for the user Adds permission by extending the list of permission in the many-to-many collection of the user, i.e. in the `UserGroup` collection. Args: group (str, required): Group collection of the User permissions (list, required): Permissions to give, `['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']` Just add the operation you need _token (str, required): auth token of the user Returns: UserGroup (`contrib.auth.collections.UserGroup`): `UserGroup` instance which has the added permissions of the user """ perm_list = [] for i in permissions: perm_list.extend(i.permissions) try: user_group = UserGroups.get_by('users_groups_by_group_and_user', terms=[group.ref, self.ref]) except DocNotFound: user_group = UserGroups.create(userID=self.ref, groupID=group.ref, permissions=perm_list) if user_group.permissions != perm_list: user_group.permissions = perm_list return user_group
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class Key(object): @classmethod def create_keys(cls): c = cls() keys = {} for i in range(10): kid = str(uuid.uuid4()) k = {'signature_key': Fernet.generate_key().decode(), 'payload_key': Fernet.generate_key().decode(), 'kid': kid} keys[kid] = k return keys @classmethod def import_keys(cls): try: keys = import_util(env('KEY_MODULE', 'bad.import')) except ImportError: keys = {} return keys @classmethod def get_keys(cls): keys = cls.import_keys() return list(keys.values()) @classmethod def get_key(cls): return random.choice(cls.get_keys()) @classmethod def create_jwt(cls, secret_claims): key = cls.get_key() pay_f = Fernet(key.get('payload_key')) gmt = tz.gettz('GMT') now = exp = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1) payload = { 'iat': now.timestamp(), 'exp': exp.timestamp(), 'nbf': now.timestamp(), 'iss': env('PROJECT_NAME', 'pfunk'), 'til': pay_f.encrypt(json.dumps(secret_claims).encode()).decode() } return jwt.encode(payload, key.get('signature_key'), algorithm="HS256", headers={'kid': key.get('kid')}), exp @classmethod def decrypt_jwt(cls, encoded): headers = jwt.get_unverified_header(encoded) keys = cls.import_keys() key = keys.get(headers.get('kid')) decoded = jwt.decode(encoded, key.get('signature_key'), algorithms="HS256", verify=True, options={"require": ["iat", "exp", "nbf", 'iss', 'til']}) pay_f = Fernet(key.get('payload_key').encode()) k = pay_f.decrypt(decoded.get('til').encode()) return json.loads(k.decode())
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@classmethod def create_keys(cls): c = cls() keys = {} for i in range(10): kid = str(uuid.uuid4()) k = {'signature_key': Fernet.generate_key().decode(), 'payload_key': Fernet.generate_key().decode(), 'kid': kid} keys[kid] = k return keys
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@classmethod def import_keys(cls): try: keys = import_util(env('KEY_MODULE', 'bad.import')) except ImportError: keys = {} return keys
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@classmethod def get_keys(cls): keys = cls.import_keys() return list(keys.values())
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@classmethod def get_key(cls): return random.choice(cls.get_keys())
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@classmethod def create_jwt(cls, secret_claims): key = cls.get_key() pay_f = Fernet(key.get('payload_key')) gmt = tz.gettz('GMT') now = exp = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1) payload = { 'iat': now.timestamp(), 'exp': exp.timestamp(), 'nbf': now.timestamp(), 'iss': env('PROJECT_NAME', 'pfunk'), 'til': pay_f.encrypt(json.dumps(secret_claims).encode()).decode() } return jwt.encode(payload, key.get('signature_key'), algorithm="HS256", headers={'kid': key.get('kid')}), exp
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@classmethod def decrypt_jwt(cls, encoded): headers = jwt.get_unverified_header(encoded) keys = cls.import_keys() key = keys.get(headers.get('kid')) decoded = jwt.decode(encoded, key.get('signature_key'), algorithms="HS256", verify=True, options={"require": ["iat", "exp", "nbf", 'iss', 'til']}) pay_f = Fernet(key.get('payload_key').encode()) k = pay_f.decrypt(decoded.get('til').encode()) return json.loads(k.decode())
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class Group(Collection): """ Group collection that the user belongs to """ name = StringField(required=True) slug = SlugField(unique=True, required=False) users = ManyToManyField( 'pfunk.contrib.auth.collections.User', relation_name='users_groups') def __unicode__(self): return # pragma: no cover
Group collection that the user belongs to
Inherited Members
- pfunk.collection.Collection
- Collection
- collection_functions
- collection_indexes
- collection_roles
- all_index
- use_crud_functions
- crud_functions
- use_crud_views
- crud_views
- require_auth
- non_public_fields
- verbose_plural_name
- collection_name
- collection_views
- protected_vars
- get_fields
- get_collection_name
- get_enums
- get_verbose_plural_name
- all_index_name
- all_function_name
- call_function
- client
- create
- publish
- publish_functions
- publish_roles
- publish_indexes
- unpublish
- get_unique_together
- get_db_values
- get_foreign_fields_by_type
- call_signals
- get_data_dict
- save
- get
- all
- get_by
- get_index
- delete
- delete_from_id
- to_dict
- urls
- valley.schema.BaseSchema
- process_schema_kwargs
- validate
- get_class_name
- to_json
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def attach_verification_key(doc): if not doc.ref and doc.use_email_verification: doc.attach_verification_key()
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def send_verification_email(doc): doc.send_verification_email()
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class BaseUser(Collection): """ Base user that has builtin core functionalities Includes [LoginUser, UpdatePassword, LogoutUser] Roles: [Public] """ # Settings _credential_field = 'password' collection_functions = [LoginUser, UpdatePassword, LogoutUser] collection_roles = [Public, UserRole] non_public_fields = ['groups'] use_email_verification = True # Views collection_views = [LoginView, SignUpView, VerifyEmailView, LogoutView, UpdatePasswordView, ForgotPasswordView, ForgotPasswordChangeView] # Signals pre_create_signals = [attach_verification_key] post_create_signals = [send_verification_email] # Fields username = StringField(required=True, unique=True) first_name = StringField(required=True) last_name = StringField(required=True) email = EmailField(required=True, unique=True) verification_key = StringField(required=False, unique=True) forgot_password_key = StringField(required=False, unique=True) account_status = EnumField(AccountStatus, required=True, default_value="INACTIVE") def __unicode__(self): return self.username # pragma: no cover @classmethod def login(cls, username, password, _token=None): """ Logs the user in to Fauna Returns: token: the token from fauna """ c = cls() try: return c.client(_token=_token).query("login_user", { "username": username, "password": password}) ) except BadRequest: raise LoginFailed( 'The login credentials you entered are incorrect.') @classmethod def logout(cls, _token=None): """ Expires/invalidates the user's login token """ c = cls() return c.client(_token=_token).query("logout_user") ) def permissions(self, _token=None): return [] @classmethod def api_login(cls, username, password, _token=None): token = cls.login(username=username, password=password, _token=_token) user = cls.get_current_user(_token=token) claims = user.to_dict().copy() try: claims.get('data').pop('verification_key') except KeyError: pass claims['token'] = token claims['permissions'] = user.permissions() return Key.create_jwt(claims) @classmethod def get_from_id(cls, _token=None): """ Acquire user from the given Id """ c = cls() ref = c.client(_token=_token).query( q.current_identity() ) return cls(_ref=ref, _lazied=True) def attach_verification_key(self): """ Attaches the verification key to user to enable one-time activate """ self.verification_key = str(uuid.uuid4()) def attach_forgot_verification_key(self): self.forgot_password_key = str(uuid.uuid4()) @classmethod def verify_email(cls, verification_key, verify_type='signup', password=None): """ Activate the user from the verification key Args: verification_key (str, required): verification key in the email to compare the one attached to the user """ if verify_type == 'signup': user = cls.get_by('unique_User_verification_key', [verification_key]) user.verification_key = '' user.account_status = 'ACTIVE' elif verify_type == 'forgot' and password: user = cls.get_by('unique_User_forgot_password_key', [verification_key]) user.forgot_password_key = '' def send_verification_email(self, from_email=None, verification_type='signup'): """ Send the verification email with the hashed key """ project_name = env('PROJECT_NAME', '') if verification_type == 'signup': txt_template = 'auth/verification_email.txt' html_template = 'auth/verification_email.html' verification_key = self.verification_key elif verification_type == 'forgot': txt_template = 'auth/forgot_email.txt' html_template = 'auth/forgot_email.html' verification_key = self.forgot_password_key try: send_email( txt_template=txt_template, html_template=html_template, to_emails=[], from_email=from_email or env('DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL'), subject=f'{project_name} Email Verification', first_name=self.first_name, last_name=self.last_name, verification_key=verification_key ) except Exception as e: import logging logging.error(e) @classmethod def forgot_password(cls, email): """ Sends forgot password email to let user use that link to reset their password """ user = cls.get_by('unique_User_email', email) user.attach_forgot_verification_key() user.send_verification_email(verification_type='forgot') @classmethod def signup(cls, _token=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a user Args: _token (str, required): Auth token that enables creation of user. Usually public roles. **kwargs (dict, required): The user's needed information for creation """ data = kwargs data['account_status'] = 'INACTIVE' try: data.pop('groups') except KeyError: pass cls.create(**data, _token=_token) @classmethod def update_password(cls, current_password, new_password, new_password_confirm, _token=None): """ Updates the user's password. Compares with the user's current password first before changing Args: current_password (str, required): current password of the user new_password (str, required): new password for the user new_password_confirm (str, required): new password confirm _token (str, required): auth token of the user Returns: dict (dict, required): If update is successful ref (str): fauna ref of the object, data (dict): copy of the data of the object, ts (str): timestamp err_msg (str, required): If current_password is wrong, will return `Wrong current password.` """ if new_password != new_password_confirm: raise ValidationException('new_password: Password field and password confirm field do not match.') c = cls() try: return c.client(_token=_token).query("update_password", {'current_password': current_password, 'new_password': new_password}) ) except BadRequest: raise ValidationException('current_password: Password update failed.') @classmethod def get_current_user(cls, _token=None): """ Returns the user's identity Uses fauna's `current_identity()` function Returns: id (str): Fauna ID of the user in `User` collection """ c = cls() return cls.get(c.client(_token=_token).query(q.current_identity()).id()) def __unicode__(self): return self.username # pragma: no cover
Base user that has builtin core functionalities
Includes [LoginUser, UpdatePassword, LogoutUser] Roles: [Public]
Functions that are attached to this collection.
Roles that are attached to this collection.
Specifies all fields that are not public.
Events that are attached to this collection.
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@classmethod def login(cls, username, password, _token=None): """ Logs the user in to Fauna Returns: token: the token from fauna """ c = cls() try: return c.client(_token=_token).query("login_user", { "username": username, "password": password}) ) except BadRequest: raise LoginFailed( 'The login credentials you entered are incorrect.')
Logs the user in to Fauna
token: the token from fauna
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@classmethod def logout(cls, _token=None): """ Expires/invalidates the user's login token """ c = cls() return c.client(_token=_token).query("logout_user") )
Expires/invalidates the user's login token
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def permissions(self, _token=None): return []
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@classmethod def api_login(cls, username, password, _token=None): token = cls.login(username=username, password=password, _token=_token) user = cls.get_current_user(_token=token) claims = user.to_dict().copy() try: claims.get('data').pop('verification_key') except KeyError: pass claims['token'] = token claims['permissions'] = user.permissions() return Key.create_jwt(claims)
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@classmethod def get_from_id(cls, _token=None): """ Acquire user from the given Id """ c = cls() ref = c.client(_token=_token).query( q.current_identity() ) return cls(_ref=ref, _lazied=True)
Acquire user from the given Id
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def attach_verification_key(self): """ Attaches the verification key to user to enable one-time activate """ self.verification_key = str(uuid.uuid4())
Attaches the verification key to user to enable one-time activate
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def attach_forgot_verification_key(self): self.forgot_password_key = str(uuid.uuid4())
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@classmethod def verify_email(cls, verification_key, verify_type='signup', password=None): """ Activate the user from the verification key Args: verification_key (str, required): verification key in the email to compare the one attached to the user """ if verify_type == 'signup': user = cls.get_by('unique_User_verification_key', [verification_key]) user.verification_key = '' user.account_status = 'ACTIVE' elif verify_type == 'forgot' and password: user = cls.get_by('unique_User_forgot_password_key', [verification_key]) user.forgot_password_key = ''
Activate the user from the verification key
- verification_key (str, required): verification key in the email to compare the one attached to the user
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def send_verification_email(self, from_email=None, verification_type='signup'): """ Send the verification email with the hashed key """ project_name = env('PROJECT_NAME', '') if verification_type == 'signup': txt_template = 'auth/verification_email.txt' html_template = 'auth/verification_email.html' verification_key = self.verification_key elif verification_type == 'forgot': txt_template = 'auth/forgot_email.txt' html_template = 'auth/forgot_email.html' verification_key = self.forgot_password_key try: send_email( txt_template=txt_template, html_template=html_template, to_emails=[], from_email=from_email or env('DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL'), subject=f'{project_name} Email Verification', first_name=self.first_name, last_name=self.last_name, verification_key=verification_key ) except Exception as e: import logging logging.error(e)
Send the verification email with the hashed key
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@classmethod def forgot_password(cls, email): """ Sends forgot password email to let user use that link to reset their password """ user = cls.get_by('unique_User_email', email) user.attach_forgot_verification_key() user.send_verification_email(verification_type='forgot')
Sends forgot password email to let user use that link to reset their password
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@classmethod def signup(cls, _token=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a user Args: _token (str, required): Auth token that enables creation of user. Usually public roles. **kwargs (dict, required): The user's needed information for creation """ data = kwargs data['account_status'] = 'INACTIVE' try: data.pop('groups') except KeyError: pass cls.create(**data, _token=_token)
Creates a user
- _token (str, required): Auth token that enables creation of user. Usually public roles.
- **kwargs (dict, required): The user's needed information for creation
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@classmethod def update_password(cls, current_password, new_password, new_password_confirm, _token=None): """ Updates the user's password. Compares with the user's current password first before changing Args: current_password (str, required): current password of the user new_password (str, required): new password for the user new_password_confirm (str, required): new password confirm _token (str, required): auth token of the user Returns: dict (dict, required): If update is successful ref (str): fauna ref of the object, data (dict): copy of the data of the object, ts (str): timestamp err_msg (str, required): If current_password is wrong, will return `Wrong current password.` """ if new_password != new_password_confirm: raise ValidationException('new_password: Password field and password confirm field do not match.') c = cls() try: return c.client(_token=_token).query("update_password", {'current_password': current_password, 'new_password': new_password}) ) except BadRequest: raise ValidationException('current_password: Password update failed.')
Updates the user's password. Compares with the user's current password first before changing
- current_password (str, required): current password of the user
- new_password (str, required): new password for the user
- new_password_confirm (str, required): new password confirm
- _token (str, required): auth token of the user
dict (dict, required): If update is successful ref (str): fauna ref of the object, data (dict): copy of the data of the object, ts (str): timestamp err_msg (str, required): If current_password is wrong, will return
Wrong current password.
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@classmethod def get_current_user(cls, _token=None): """ Returns the user's identity Uses fauna's `current_identity()` function Returns: id (str): Fauna ID of the user in `User` collection """ c = cls() return cls.get(c.client(_token=_token).query(q.current_identity()).id())
Returns the user's identity
Uses fauna's `current_identity()` function
id (str): Fauna ID of the user in
Inherited Members
- pfunk.collection.Collection
- Collection
- collection_indexes
- all_index
- use_crud_functions
- crud_functions
- use_crud_views
- crud_views
- require_auth
- verbose_plural_name
- collection_name
- protected_vars
- get_fields
- get_collection_name
- get_enums
- get_verbose_plural_name
- all_index_name
- all_function_name
- call_function
- client
- create
- publish
- publish_functions
- publish_roles
- publish_indexes
- unpublish
- get_unique_together
- get_db_values
- get_foreign_fields_by_type
- call_signals
- get_data_dict
- save
- get
- all
- get_by
- get_index
- delete
- delete_from_id
- to_dict
- urls
- valley.schema.BaseSchema
- process_schema_kwargs
- validate
- get_class_name
- to_json
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class UserGroups(Collection): """ Many-to-many collection of the user-group relationship The native fauna-way of holding many-to-many relationship is to only have the ID of the 2 object. Here in pfunk, we leverage the flexibility of the collection to have another field, which is `permissions`, this field holds the capablities of a user, allowing us to add easier permission handling. Instead of manually going to roles and adding individual collections which can be painful in long term. Attributes: collection_name (str): Name of the collection in Fauna userID (str): Fauna ref of user that is tied to the group groupID (str): Fauna ref of a collection that is tied with the user permissions (str[]): List of permissions, `['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']` """ collection_name = 'users_groups' userID = ReferenceField('pfunk.contrib.auth.collections.User') groupID = ReferenceField(Group) permissions = ListField() def __unicode__(self): return f"{self.userID}, {self.groupID}, {self.permissions}"
Many-to-many collection of the user-group relationship
The native fauna-way of holding many-to-many relationship
is to only have the ID of the 2 object. Here in pfunk, we
leverage the flexibility of the collection to have another
field, which is `permissions`, this field holds the capablities
of a user, allowing us to add easier permission handling.
Instead of manually going to roles and adding individual
collections which can be painful in long term.
- collection_name (str): Name of the collection in Fauna
- userID (str): Fauna ref of user that is tied to the group
- groupID (str): Fauna ref of a collection that is tied with the user
- permissions (str[]): List of permissions,
['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']
Overrides the default collection name.
Inherited Members
- pfunk.collection.Collection
- Collection
- collection_functions
- collection_indexes
- collection_roles
- all_index
- use_crud_functions
- crud_functions
- use_crud_views
- crud_views
- require_auth
- non_public_fields
- verbose_plural_name
- collection_views
- protected_vars
- get_fields
- get_collection_name
- get_enums
- get_verbose_plural_name
- all_index_name
- all_function_name
- call_function
- client
- create
- publish
- publish_functions
- publish_roles
- publish_indexes
- unpublish
- get_unique_together
- get_db_values
- get_foreign_fields_by_type
- call_signals
- get_data_dict
- save
- get
- all
- get_by
- get_index
- delete
- delete_from_id
- to_dict
- urls
- valley.schema.BaseSchema
- process_schema_kwargs
- validate
- get_class_name
- to_json
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class PermissionGroup(object): """ List of permission that a user/object has Attributes: collection (`pfunk.collection.Collection`, required): Collection to allow permissions permission (list, required): What operations should be allowed `['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']` """ valid_actions: list = ['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write'] def __init__(self, collection: Collection, permissions: list): if not issubclass(collection, Collection): raise ValueError( 'Permission class requires a Collection class as the first argument.') self.collection = collection self._permissions = permissions self.collection_name = self.collection.get_class_name() @cached_property def permissions(self): """ Lists all collections and its given permissions """ return [f'{self.collection_name}-{i}'.lower() for i in self._permissions if i in self.valid_actions]
List of permission that a user/object has
- collection (
, required): Collection to allow permissions - permission (list, required): What operations should be allowed
['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']
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def __init__(self, collection: Collection, permissions: list): if not issubclass(collection, Collection): raise ValueError( 'Permission class requires a Collection class as the first argument.') self.collection = collection self._permissions = permissions self.collection_name = self.collection.get_class_name()
Lists all collections and its given permissions
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class User(BaseUser): """ User that has permission capabilities. Extension of `BaseUser` """ groups = ManyToManyField(Group, 'users_groups') @classmethod def get_permissions(cls, ref, _token=None): return cls.get(ref, _token).permissions(_token=_token) def get_groups(self, _token=None): """ Returns the groups (collections) that the user is bound with """ return [Group.get(, _token=_token) for i in self.client(_token=_token).query( q.paginate(q.match('users_groups_by_user', self.ref)) ).get('data')] def permissions(self, _token=None): """ Returns the permissions of the user Permissions will be acquired from the field `permissions` in `UserGroup` class Args: _token (str, required): Fauna auth token Returns: perm_list (str[]): Permissions of the user in list: `['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']` """ perm_list = [] for i in self.get_groups(_token=_token): ug = UserGroups.get_index('users_groups_by_group_and_user', [ i.ref, self.ref], _token=_token) for user_group in ug: p = [] if isinstance(user_group.permissions, list): p = [ f'{user_group.groupID.slug}-{i}' for i in user_group.permissions] perm_list.extend(p) return perm_list def add_permissions(self, group, permissions: list, _token=None): """ Adds permission for the user Adds permission by extending the list of permission in the many-to-many collection of the user, i.e. in the `UserGroup` collection. Args: group (str, required): Group collection of the User permissions (list, required): Permissions to give, `['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']` Just add the operation you need _token (str, required): auth token of the user Returns: UserGroup (`contrib.auth.collections.UserGroup`): `UserGroup` instance which has the added permissions of the user """ perm_list = [] for i in permissions: perm_list.extend(i.permissions) try: user_group = UserGroups.get_by('users_groups_by_group_and_user', terms=[group.ref, self.ref]) except DocNotFound: user_group = UserGroups.create(userID=self.ref, groupID=group.ref, permissions=perm_list) if user_group.permissions != perm_list: user_group.permissions = perm_list return user_group
User that has permission capabilities. Extension of BaseUser
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@classmethod def get_permissions(cls, ref, _token=None): return cls.get(ref, _token).permissions(_token=_token)
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def get_groups(self, _token=None): """ Returns the groups (collections) that the user is bound with """ return [Group.get(, _token=_token) for i in self.client(_token=_token).query( q.paginate(q.match('users_groups_by_user', self.ref)) ).get('data')]
Returns the groups (collections) that the user is bound with
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def permissions(self, _token=None): """ Returns the permissions of the user Permissions will be acquired from the field `permissions` in `UserGroup` class Args: _token (str, required): Fauna auth token Returns: perm_list (str[]): Permissions of the user in list: `['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']` """ perm_list = [] for i in self.get_groups(_token=_token): ug = UserGroups.get_index('users_groups_by_group_and_user', [ i.ref, self.ref], _token=_token) for user_group in ug: p = [] if isinstance(user_group.permissions, list): p = [ f'{user_group.groupID.slug}-{i}' for i in user_group.permissions] perm_list.extend(p) return perm_list
Returns the permissions of the user
Permissions will be acquired from the field
`permissions` in `UserGroup` class
- _token (str, required): Fauna auth token
perm_list (str[]): Permissions of the user in list:
['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']
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def add_permissions(self, group, permissions: list, _token=None): """ Adds permission for the user Adds permission by extending the list of permission in the many-to-many collection of the user, i.e. in the `UserGroup` collection. Args: group (str, required): Group collection of the User permissions (list, required): Permissions to give, `['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']` Just add the operation you need _token (str, required): auth token of the user Returns: UserGroup (`contrib.auth.collections.UserGroup`): `UserGroup` instance which has the added permissions of the user """ perm_list = [] for i in permissions: perm_list.extend(i.permissions) try: user_group = UserGroups.get_by('users_groups_by_group_and_user', terms=[group.ref, self.ref]) except DocNotFound: user_group = UserGroups.create(userID=self.ref, groupID=group.ref, permissions=perm_list) if user_group.permissions != perm_list: user_group.permissions = perm_list return user_group
Adds permission for the user
Adds permission by extending the list of permission
in the many-to-many collection of the user, i.e. in
the UserGroup
- group (str, required): Group collection of the User
- permissions (list, required): Permissions to give,
['create', 'read', 'delete', 'write']
Just add the operation you need - _token (str, required): auth token of the user
UserGroup (
instance which has the added permissions of the user
Inherited Members
- pfunk.collection.Collection
- Collection
- collection_indexes
- all_index
- use_crud_functions
- crud_functions
- use_crud_views
- crud_views
- require_auth
- verbose_plural_name
- collection_name
- protected_vars
- get_fields
- get_collection_name
- get_enums
- get_verbose_plural_name
- all_index_name
- all_function_name
- call_function
- client
- create
- publish
- publish_functions
- publish_roles
- publish_indexes
- unpublish
- get_unique_together
- get_db_values
- get_foreign_fields_by_type
- call_signals
- get_data_dict
- save
- get
- all
- get_by
- get_index
- delete
- delete_from_id
- to_dict
- urls
- BaseUser
- collection_functions
- collection_roles
- non_public_fields
- use_email_verification
- collection_views
- pre_create_signals
- post_create_signals
- login
- logout
- api_login
- get_from_id
- attach_verification_key
- attach_forgot_verification_key
- verify_email
- send_verification_email
- forgot_password
- signup
- update_password
- get_current_user
- valley.schema.BaseSchema
- process_schema_kwargs
- validate
- get_class_name
- to_json